Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Problem with Politics

It is obviously difficult to narrow the problem with politics down to one major issue. All politicians seem to speak from the same script. Each of them arrives in Washington saying they are different and won't stand for "politics as usual". However, they seem to quickly discover that in order to get anything accomplished they must play the game. From my viewpoint, they seem to be more interested in job security and their eventual re-election than they are the long-term stability and success of the nation.

Here are a few problems I can see with politics:
  • power corrupts
  • money influences votes
  • many stay in Washington way too long to care about the average citizen
  • many politicians believe that government can accomplish things better than individuals

I'm sure you can add many of your own complaints. Regardless of which side of the fence you sit on, politicians give us many reasons to dislike or distrust them. In my opinion, one problem rises above them all. It undermines the entire system and is contrary to everything logical. The problem: whichever party is not in control desperately wants the country to fail. The economy, the war, social programs - it doesn't matter. If their party is not in charge, something is very wrong and needs to change. Both Republicans and Democrats are equally guilty. But why? Because if the country is struggling and people are hurting, they can scream loud and proud, "We told you so!!! Our plan is better. We can save the country - just give us a chance." Then when they gain control, the other party desires nothing but bad to happen to the nation.

Maybe it's just me. It doesn't seem healthy for half of a nation's elected officials to wish for bad things to happen to that nation. Wouldn't it be better if every elected leader truly wanted what was best for the country, not for themselves or their party? Many politicians just can't seem to look past partisan idiocy.

I'm sure there are many solutions to this and other political problems. I can only come up with one after hours of brainstorming with my pretend friend Timmy. Term limits. Let these distinguished leaders go to Washington, play fair from the beginning, learn how to work well with others, bust their tails, and hope like crazy the nation is in a better condition then when they arrived. Then move on with their lives. Go be productive members of society, not career politicians. Is that too much to ask?

1 comment:

  1. Dan it reminds me of what George Washington said as he left office. BEWARE OF POLITICAL PARTIES. If you remember they didn't have parties back in those days. Maybe that Washington fella knew what he was talking about. The down fall of America will be because of political parties.
    Dan Stagg for president

