Thursday, February 5, 2009

It's Easy to be a Hypocrite

I am not a proponent of global warming. I should get that out in the open. I think humans should be responsible and good to the planet. However, I don't believe that our selfish lifestyles are the lone reason for the 1 degree increase in global temperature over the past century. In fact, I'm not sure even the advocates of global warming truly believe what they are spouting. Why else would they change the name of the most destructive catastrophe in history to "global climate change"? Do you think earthquakes used to be called "ground shimmies" until scientists learned their actual destructive capacity? Maybe it is called climate change now because the earth hasn't been warming at the rate the computer models predicted. But I digress...
I think if one truly believes in global warming it is very difficult to avoid being a hypocrite. For years we have been told that driving our SUVs and drilling for oil and building refineries and factories that spew filth into the atmosphere have brought us to the brink of destruction. We are all at fault, some more than others. But every little thing we do that emits carbon into the atmosphere takes us closer to the edge.
So where does the hypocrisy come in? If you drive a car, you are contributing to global warming. You may feel good about that new hybrid you just purchased that costs an additional 5K and gets 10 mpg more than a regular car. However, hybrids emit partial zero emissions, which have to be somewhat above actual zero. At least some deadly carbon dioxide is getting into the atmosphere. You may be holding out for the Chevy Volt, that fancy new electric car GM will unveil next year. But how will you recharge your Volt? Where does that charge come from? Won't it likely come from a coal-powered plant? Or maybe from a nuclear plant, the cleanest of all energies? I know we all would like this power to come from wind or solar, but not yet - not by many years and many government subsidies. If you are required to leave your house for any reason (lets say for a job) and you want to be completely green, you better live close enough to ride a bike. Because any other form of transportation (even public) is going to emit evil carbon and you are contributing to global warming. Ride a bike, don't be a hypocrite.
What if you have a spouse and family who also like to leave the house occasionally and travel. You could hop on an airplane to some remote location that is all green and not damaged by the idiots of mankind. But wouldn't that airplane use jet fuel? And how would you get to the airport? Could the whole family get there safely on bikes? What about your luggage? So many questions, so close to hypocrisy.
Do you like to eat meat? If so, you might be contributing to global warming. The cattle industry is responsible for more deadly emissions than all of our cars combined. Maybe you are a vegan. All of those green vegetables you purchase at the store were transported there by a diesel truck. There was probably a tractor or some other piece of machinery involved in the farming process of those veggies. Probably your best eating option would be to clear some of your own land for a garden. But don't use any power tools to garden. That would be hypocritical.
I suppose I wouldn't be so annoyed by the whole global warming issue if those that spoke the loudest actually practiced what they preach. Al Gore's mansion in Tennessee, his private jet, and SUV have all been well-documented on the Internet. Governor Schwarzenegger commutes daily from LA to Sacramento in his private jet. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi demanded she have a private jet when elected as Speaker of the House. Each of these vocal advocates has told the rest of America numerous times we need to cut back on our evil lifestyles. I guess the warnings they unselfishly give to us are important enough to cancel our their carbon footprints.
Another annoyance I have concerns money. How many millions has Gore made off of global warming? I'm all for capitalism. Yeah capitalism!!! I guess I would listen closer if I believed he was preaching out of the goodness of his heart. The carbon offset industry has to be the biggest scam since Cutco knives came onto the scene. Any business that profits solely on people feeling guilty for living life has my admiration. Most of the people I'm aware of who are pursuing their mission or calling in life do so without much compensation. Maybe Gore is a new kind of humanitarian, perfect for this day of hope and change. Or maybe he's just a hypocrite.
Please let me live my life. I'll treat the earth with care and concern. But don't regulate my every decision. I don't need the government involved in every aspect of my life. I don't need some alarmist profiting from debatable information telling me how to live my life. Isn't good old common sense the best answer for most questions? Maybe it's just me...

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