Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lessons learned from....Congress

Common sense tells us that when times are bad it is best to tighten your belt, tighten your budget, and be smart with your money. Our representatives, including our President, have told us that we all must sacrifice to get through this period of turmoil. Businesses stop hiring, stop building, stop growing, with the hope that they can survive the downturn. But one business is going against the grain - the federal government.
If reports are correct, Nancy Pelosi walked down the aisle of the House asking her fellow representatives what they wanted out of the stimulus bill. There has been much debate about whether most of the projects in the bill will actually "stimulate" the economy. Or are they pet projects to make special interest groups and their loyal representatives happy? Regardless, isn't that a disturbing image? The 3rd most powerful person in America running up and down the aisle doing her best Santa Clause impersonation - "What do you want, Timmy? What can I get for you, Sally?" Almost a trillion dollars of gifts for all the good boys and girls. Christmas has come 10 months early for the federal government.
As a family we decided what is good for the government is good for us. We had a family meeting of sorts. I ran through the house asking each family member what they wanted. Jamison wants a new bike, a Wii, and a maid who will do his chores for him. Jessica wants a grand piano, a tennis racket, and braces. Cindy wants a BMW 6 series and a trip to Australia. I'll just take a new scooter (life has been empty since I sold the yellow one). We don't have the money currently. We can't print the necessary money like the government will. But we do have a couple of credit cards and thousands in a home equity line of credit that is just itching to be spent.
Why not? Somebody somewhere will help us out. We're the victims in this whole mess. We just want to do our part in keeping our consumer-driven economy rolling. Please join us in our efforts to be like the government. It sounds kind of fun, doesn't it?

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