Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's OK to Lie - Sometimes

I've decided there are two instances when the LDS community grants carte blanche on dishonesty. First is today, April Fool's Day. All of a sudden any lie under the sun is OK, if not encouraged. Cindy and her friend played a cruel hoax on their 9 year old daughters this morning. A letter from Midway Elementary somehow ended up in email inboxes stating the number of school days was miscalculated. As a result, the students would have to attend school every Saturday the remainder of the school year to make up the difference. The two pure, innocent girls promptly announced this bad news to the rest of their class. Ms. Cummings, the girls' teacher, was also part of this secret combination and played along. Jessica found out about the dirty scheme after school, so she must return tomorrow and fess up to the entire class. I've been looking up local psychologists this evening - just preparing for an interesting, expensive future.

The second instance when lying is OK occurs the week leading up to a change in a ward's bishopric. Speculation runs rampant about who might be the unlucky fellow. The next bishop might be asked by a dozen different people if he is their new judge in Israel. All he can really do is deny any knowledge and hope they don't ask again. So for the first couple of days before he gets this important calling, the unfortunate man is forced to lie repeatedly. It doesn't seem right, but that's the way it is.

So when asked if you are completely honest with those around you, it might be best to ask for further clarification - "Does that include April Fool's Day? Does it matter if I was a bishop previously?"

1 comment:

  1. Is a joke a lie? This could open a whole other can of worms. I think a little prank now and then is good for us. Makes us keep on our toes and teaches us to laugh at ourselves. I guess if you're going to dish it out you better be ready to take it too! Further clarification is probably needed though.

    In my profession I often have to tell people when they say "I am so overwight" or "I'm pretty chubby right now" What do I say yep you are? I have learned to say Oh don't even worry (while I am thinking you're actually costing me more money because I have to use more solution). Anyways I am totally rambling now!
