Sunday, March 1, 2009

Things that Need to Go Away - Now

1. Any commercials or billboards that use the words "bailout" or "stimulus". Why would you base your ad campaign on a word that many Americans bristle at?

2. All of the "Got Milk?" knockoffs. The original was unique and interesting. At this point, every other attempt is weak and mindless. Got Rocks? Got Dirt? Got Creativity???

3. The billboards advertising liposuction and other procedures that show a skinny lady in a bikini. Nothing screams for truth in advertising more than these do. Neither before nor after my procedure did I ever dream to look that good in a bikini.

4. Any video or photo image of Nancy Pelosi. Each time she appears on screen my wife Cindy has a brain seizure. We are frequent enough visitors to the ER because of these "Pelosi seizures" that it might become an actual diagnosis. Also, the thought of universal healthcare paid for by my wealthy friends is sounding better each day.

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